
Gedding Village

Gedding Hall

The Sign
The sign states Johannes de Geddinge died in 1293 and his coat of arms, a chequer of silver and red with a blue fess or horizontal band with three round buckles. The sign was presented to the village by Bill Wyman of Rolling Stones fame, and unveiled by him on 27th May 1991. Another similar sign is erected at the gate to Gedding Hall. The sign outside the hall is the same as the village sign with exception to the name and date of 1481. The date is a puzzle but may relate to the building date of the gatehouse.

The Name and Population
The population was 125 at the 2011 census. It was called Gedinga in 1086  and Geddinges in the 12th century. The name means "The settlement of the family or followers of Gydda", from Old English.

Other Points of Interest

Gedding belonged to the Chamberlain family by the early C15. The family's period of greatest power and wealth was under Sir Robert Chamberlain (circa 1435-1491), a leading Yorkist who fell from grace under Henry VII and was beheaded in 1491. He must be a strong contender to be the builder of the gatehouse and perhaps of the whole moated complex. If so the building must be placed in the 1480's.