Ilketshall St Andrew

The Sign
The village sign stands on the common and was unveiled by Bob Blizzard (MP) in 2001. On top of the sign is an owl, probably a barn owl, which is common in the area. In the centre is the round tower church of St Andrew surrounded by the trees that are in the churchyard. At the bottom is a man leading a horse, probably on to the common which is open to all for grazing. The golden sun shines in the top right corner.

The Name and Population
The population was 291 at the 2011 census. It was called Elcheteshala / Ilchet(el)eshala in the Domesday Book. The name means "Ylfketill's nook of land", from Old Norse and Anglian. St Andrew added later.

Other Points of Interest
There are four Ilketshall parishes in this area of North Suffolk. 

The church is dedicated to St Andrew; there is also a Wesleyan chapel in the parish, where worship has now stopped.

Ilketshall St Andrew round tower church