
The Sign
The sign was erected in 1953 to celebrate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. It shows the stylised castle of Orford with royal lion supporters and a date underneath showing the incorporation as a borough. The same arms are shown on a pennant hanging from a beacon by the castle. The other side of the beacon shows a medieval sailing ship that visited the coast and River Ore here.

The Name and Population
The population was recorded as 770 in 2021. The name apparently means "Ford by the shore/ridge" taken from Old English. It was called Oreford in 1164 & 1212.

Other Points of Interest

The castle was built by Henry II between 1165-1173.

Orford castle remained in private hands up until 1962 before taken over by English Heritage.

Orford Ness played a major part in both World Wars and was a big secret for many years.

Orford Beacon Pennants near the castle